If you have a group where you connect/sell products or services, or have thought about doing it, or if you are associated with social initiatives, this post is for you. Now more than ever before, people have been rethinking their careers and/or contribution to society. Local influencers play an important role in our social circles. Now influencers have an opportunity to own and manage a brand in a way that is unique. Why work as a group? Individuals put their trust in a proven group/brand rather than in individuals they do not know.
And its not just local commercial brands; social initiative groups, NGOs and civic authorities managing electricity, water, roads, drainage, garbage collection and police can also use Ripple to reach out in a secure manner within a locality or city, and influence as a trusted team.
Reach out as individuals, to civic and social teams who are on Ripple, in a secure manner. This can help flag issues to the right local group overseeing grassroot civic and social aspects. Local civic authorities can then in turn provide updates on the status. Trusted members of social groups can reach out and provide assistance.
How it works
Tags are applied to posts. Ripple offers users an opportunity to create your own custom tag, or "brand".
NOTE: At present custom tag creation is not available via the App. if you are a local influencer or brand, please fill the form to apply for a custom tag of your own. Once the custom tag is created with you as the admin, the App will provide an interface to add new certified team members of your tag and manage your tag.
The admin/owner of the custom tag can add/certify others as admins or members of the tag. The team contributes in building trust and influence in a locality. In addition, tags can be moderated by admin staff who can maintain the quality of the brand. They would do this through views of tag member ratings and reports that are available on the app interface.
The trends tab indicates the number of custom tag posts in the locality, which the user is a team member of. Custom tag team members and admins can filter the custom tag posts in their locality to monitor activity and respond accordingly.
The feedback (ratings) on individual member's posts with the custom tag add to the overall rating of the tag. This drives the admins/moderators to maintain the quality of members of the tag. In case of issues, users can report the issue to admins of the custom tags, to step in and find a resolution. The system of reporting issues also helps maintain the standard of the group and products/services on offer.
3 types of tags are on offer:
1. Broadcast-only tags
Commercial brands can use this type of tag. Here, only members of the tag can broadcast their products/ services with the tag. All app users in the locality can receive these posts but cannot post with the tag. If interested, app users can communicate with these service providers via 1-on-1 or groups chats linked from the post. The post and the chat indicate that the post was made by a certified member of the tag.
Examples of those who might want to own these tags: Local entrepreneurs/businesses, Food-sellers, home maintenance and local services, trusted local delivery services (groceries, vegetables, errands). There is an big opportunity for trusted local managers/aggregators to be a front end for local home services and fruit/vegetable/grocery vendors.
2. General tags
Social community groups can use this type of tag. Here, anyone can post to these tags, which are also owned. Posts can be made by both members as well as non-members. Non-members can post with the tag provided the non-member is also following the custom tag (under trends). However each post clearly indicates if the author of the post is a certified member of the tag or not.
In the picture above the author is not a member and so the tag in the post does not have a member badge. Knowing that you are talking to a certified member of a trusted tag/brand/group will reassure the user that the interaction is safe and trustworthy. At the same time anyone can reach out for assistance from these trusted groups.
Examples of these tags: Social community well-being groups (Caremongers, citizen matters, NGOs), Charity groups, Neighbourhood watch groups, Resident Welfare Associations (RWA), local news groups, sports and literary groups etc.
3. Secure tags
Security, law enforcement groups or local government services (water, electricity) can use this type of tag. Even Social community groups dealing with sensitive issues which require privacy can use this type of tag. Here too, like in the general tag category, anyone can post to these tags. Non-members can post with the tag provided the non-member is also following the custom tag (under trends). However, when tag members post- it goes out to all app users in the locality; but when non-members post- it only goes out to the tag members.
An example of this tag: Police/ law enforcement agencies- Any individual who might need help may post on this tag and only the police personnel who are certified members of the tag and are in the locality would view the post. However when the police post a general message, the same can be viewed by all app users (members and non-members of the tag). In the example above only the police members can view the post 'Report a crime'.
Everyone has something to offer. This is a great way to step out and own your own tag and influence your neighborhood! Join Ripple today!
The Ripple Effect
You can do all of the above without users having to share personal contact information or without previously having to know anyone in your locality. A 3 km radius is approximately 28.3 sq. km coverage area. In a city like Bangalore with a population density of 12K plus people per sq. km this translates into 350,000 people! So even if a fair percentage of people in a locality install and use the app, it could have a BIG impact.
Very good App which should be able to take most of the needs of Elders/Care Givers and family members