The Local Dilemma.
We are witnessing some of the most challenging social situations in recent times. With most of the world shut in-doors, or socially distanced when out-doors, people are feeling isolated and alone. This has affected all aspects of our social experience. What has really taken a hit, is our ability to connect within our locality.
One takes for granted the many freedoms a pandemic-free environment provides.
For example, one would think twice before stepping out to pick up fresh fruit off a mobile cart. You might order fruit online instead.
Subconscious decisions
The possible impact of this simple decision? Umm.. Not much? Think again.
You don't really get to choose your own fruit, but need to rely on the delivery of individual fruit selected for you instead.
The mobile fruit cart seller has missed out on your business. With less business, the fruit cart sellers might be forced to make decisions of their own and move away.
Your pedometer will probably record fewer steps!
As a result of you staying in-doors, there are fewer people on the streets. This has, in some localities, led to an increase in crimes like theft of the few pedestrians who do need to step out. Your locality has just become a little more unsafe.
Just one decision- influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic- has had so many effects - most of them negative, in the example above.
Making Connections
Now, assume your locality is connected through Ripple. The mobile fruit cart is passing through and posts about what fruits they are selling in your locality. You respond to the fruit seller, share your location or a meeting point and you decide it is ok to step out since it is just within reach. You get to pick your fruit. The mobile cart seller gains from his/her sale. Everyone's happy.
What made it possible, is knowing that the fruit seller was in the area, and knowing when he/she was within close range so you could time your exit from home. And all this, without needing to know any particular phone numbers or without having to share any personal contact information to connect. Other consumer's rating of the seller helps build trust.
With Ripple we can also go a step further. As a consumer you can post your fruit requirements from the comfort of your home. The mobile cart sellers and grocery stores from your locality view these requirements, some respond to you and even agree to deliver to your home. They can plan the area they service based on needs of the locality. All this without having the personal contact information of one another.
It is a win-win situation for the locality:
You are a satisfied customer.
The local cart seller/grocery store can grow their business. For them, planning home deliveries in the locality based on their schedule, helps them get more efficient.
You probably get your fresh fruit delivered sooner than when ordering online.
The Ripple Effect
Now replace the fruit cart seller with a vegetable seller, a local grocery store, a bakery, a plumber, an electrician, a cobbler, a vehicle mechanic, laundry- services, a pharmacy and other essentials that are the cogs in the wheel that help a locality function.
All this could be a reality with Ripple. Download it now. Get connected today!
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